Architecture / Commercial+Retail / Malvern Road, East Malvern

Malvern Road, East Malvern
This project unites three sites to allow the creation of a single building accommodating a high end data management company on the lower two levels, and two floors of apartments above.
The site is located in the upmarket residential area of Malvern East, but in one of the commercial precincts so characteristic of Melbourne, where shopping strips have aggregated at the intersection of major roads. These commercial areas provide a hard boundary to the more verdant residential hinterland.
This building reinforces this boundary, but responds to the historical grain of smaller, vertically proportioned traditional buildings, by breaking down the scale of the building with clearly defined façade bays. The building offers a degree of detail of detail to the street, with fine sandstone pillars, an entry colonnade and deep reveals to windows softened with planters above the bluestone rusticated plinth of the structure.
The upper façade is expressed as a giant order, but the upper portion of the columns frames rooftop loggias serving the first tier of residential apartments. These upper levels offer generous residences with deep balconies shaded by planted iron topiary frames. Innovations include an externally insulated façade, effectively encapsulating the thermal mass of the structure while delivering outstanding energy conservation outcomes: some apartments in the complex rate at 9.2 stars.
The design sets an example of a high quality mixed use development in the sorts of areas frequently neglected and subject to low quality development, and provides an impressive gateway to the avenues of the residential areas located behind it.
Project Team
Demaine Partnership
1919-1927 Malvern Road Malvern East
Project Elements
Offices, apartments, basement carparking
Buxton Constructions