Architecture / Aged Care / Midlands Centre

Midlands Centre
Ballarat Health Services Midlands Centre is comprised of 60 beds in three houses, each of twenty beds. Each house has specific accommodation consisting of a Dementia wing, a Low Care wing and a High Care wing. This design allows for a continuity of care through ageing in place.
The three houses each have their own lounge, dining areas and kitchens, and each is connected to the central communal building. This building provides a setting for all internal group activities, and includes a main activities area, lounge and dining area, and hairdresser/podiatry area. These areas all spill out onto a landscaped courtyard, designed to facilitate passive recreation. The central building also contains staff amenities and offices.
Principal Consultant
Demaine Partnership
Ballarat Health Services
Resident Profile
High care, low care and dementia
60 beds in 3 20 bed houses
Time for completion
190 days
Heathfield Avenue, Brighton
Aged care suites, associated dining, lounge and recreation areas, carparking on site for 57 cars.
Contract Sum
$4.268 million